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Quilling adventure - Christmas theme - part 2

So today I did lots of small projects, some for the Chrismass Tree and some for the secret project. Here is a small preview:

Project 1
Started with a flower: Yes I did a flower, it's still socking. Started by gluing 2 strips of paper and use the tool do make them zig-zag.

Then roll roll roll the boat ( make coils and transform them in slugs, used to colors a dark red and a cute red)

Pin everything and glue:

Project 2
Project 2 was candles so again rolling ( all project need rolling so probably I should not say it  :) )

The candle flame is done with zigzag made paper.

Position and glue it together and then glue everything on a paper ( easy peasy - NOOT, glue was hell again but at least is pretty)

Project 3

Snowflake Christmas ornament. just made shapes and glue them. (If it's your first time be careful so the design does not get glue on the surface you are working, )

Project 4

I liked working on the ornament and did one to look like a globe, 2D globe.

Project 5

Made a globe to add on a paper ( a gift card for example)

Project 6

Rudolf the reindeer. Saw it on Pinterest and did it:

Project 7

Last but not least a gift box...not my best work but it's late and I'm tired :)


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